In an attempt to bring eclectic variance back into the forefront of the musical world, p.e.r.'s Brandon Nichol mixes ingredients in the comfort of his home in order to bring deep-fried rock & roll sanctification to you. As an admirer of many different styles of music, Brandon wants you to have an assortment of seletions to choose from. His first project, "Tinton's Place" was created in his apartment in Boulder, CO while finishing college. After two singles and an EP release, he created a new project - "p.e.r." After releasing his first record "p.e.r. 1" which was recorded on a 4 track casstte recorder and featured an array of musical tidbits and goofs, he decided to merge Tinton's Place with p.e.r. With six releases under p.e.r., Brandon strives to make his records like writing a movie scene by scene. It is true, some mystery or surprise can be around the corner at any given time.